Monday 31 January 2011

Acting and Activism: Sir Ian McKellen

So, funny to think I started off this morning taking pictures of my favourite mug, because I spent the evening with Sir Ian McKellen.

I suppose 'spent with' is slightly misleading. I mean, I went to hear him talk. However! While we were standing in the queue in the lobby of the Cambridge Union, a random older gentlemen walked in past us. I nearly collapsed onto Piotr when I realised it was actually him. The man, Gandalf!! He was less than a foot away from me, strolling in, as you do. And as if that wasn't enough, he came back out again the same way!!

Cheeky photo:
(He's the blurry one).

His appearance at the Union was in coordination with LGBT History Month (February) so he talked a lot about his work as an activist, as well as his life. It was brilliantly done, unsurprisingly, and he was so fun to listen to in general.

A phrase that is often used here is: 'what a legend,' like, 'wow, he managed to write four essays in one day on two hours sleep. What a legd.' However, in this case 'what a legend' really means what an actual legend.

And a few more photos:
It's Gandalf!!! (sorry, totally merits using that many exclamation points)

Standing ovation

He finished off the talk by giving us a bit of Shakespeare's Sir Thomas More, a role he actually originated. He made the point that he is probably among the last actors living to originate a Shakespeare role. What an amazing thing to witness. Here is my sneaky video of the intro and then the piece:

I am, unfortunately, now very sleepy and still have quite a bit of work to do. The whole experience was worth it, even getting there an hour and a half early to secure seats. Apparently people were watching it broadcast from the Union Bar.

All is, or will be well, however, because I again have a cup of tea. Twining's 'A Touch of Calm: Chamomile, Honey, & Vanilla.' Mm


Lee said... [Reply]

Sir Thomas Moore! Awesome video!!what did you shoot it with?

Katie said... [Reply]

Just my little camera on video mode! Not bad, huh? :)