Monday 11 April 2011

The Green Mountain State, Part One

Friday afternoon we set off for Vermont. We got to enjoy Atlanta traffic on our way to the airport. Joy.

After cutting it very close, we managed to get our bags checked and were on our way to the plane.

Good plane provisions.

Ah, JFK. Lovely place.

We managed to find a tasty dinner during our New York layover, supplemented by piles of my baked goods.

As we boarded our plane to Burlington, somehow we were there first ones on! I'm not sure I've ever seen an empty plane before.

We arrived in Burlington around 11, and met Dad whose flight from Cleveland had landed slightly earlier. We headed straight to our hotel near the airport, and crashed hard.

The next morning we loaded into our little rental car..

..oogled the snow.. provisions..

..and were on the road!

We arrived in Middlebury.

We arrived at Nana and PopPop's cottage, said hello and visited for a little while before heading to the grocery store for lunch goodies. Bertolet family staples:

A shared love of mine and PopPop's.

After lunch, we went back through Middlebury to visit Otter Creek Brewery.

We got a sampler to taste the goods.

After a brief stop at our hotel for a nap, and grocery stop number two, it was back to Nana and Poppop's, where we made dinner (Jamie Oliver's Broccoli & Anchovy Orecchiette, along with Aunt & Uncle.

Finished off with carrot cake! (I had to bake something..)

And some of Vermont's finest..

Further update to come later!


Lee said... [Reply]

Nice!!!!!whatever you had in NY looked too yummy for airport food! It was great spending the weekend together!!