Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Excitement of my Life

Well, very early on in my blogging life, I find myself with nothing really interesting to report. At least, nothing quite to the same degree as an Ian McKellen spotting.

Tonight the menu is (most likely) staying up rather late to write an essay.

I feel like this may not have been the most opportune point in term to develop such an excellent procrastination tool. I'm also afraid I'm putting forth rather a bad impression of myself. I do actually manage to get things done most of the time, without resorting to drinking caffeinated tea and coke zero to get me through an essay.

The fact of the matter is, I'm sleepy. I've been up early yesterday and today for rowing, and have just done a 2x5k erg.

To top it all off, my essay is supposed to be something about nationalist violence, engendered conflict, gender embodiment, and various other concepts that I don't actually understand. Anthropology really isn't for me.

The articles I'm reading are actually rather interesting, but I don't understand!! Woe is me.

I suppose this is probably more like the typical college student rant. I will attempt to bring this back to something a little more sophisticated and along the lines of what I outlined in my first post.

So, post-erg this evening Great Court was misty. This is one of the things I love about Cambridge. The weather is normal the whole day, and then suddenly, there is mist shrouding everything. It's an amazing surprise. Unfortunately, it was dark, and I did try and take a photo, but it didn't quite work.

Not to worry, however, because this has happened before! In fact, I think I took this picture on the way to the boathouse one early morning last term. Getting up early for rowing is good for pictures, I must say. (Of shoddy quality I'm afraid. Nice camera doesn't go in bag with rowing kit).

And I will leave you with a study in contrast.

What I would like to be doing right now:

What I'm actually doing (or attempting):


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